We're here for you and your medical needs

Nan Garavito, PA-C is a Board Certified Physician Assistant with us since 2014. Nan is an active CCA Team member of the American College of Cardiology and has had an Internship in Interventional Cardiology.  She is experienced in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine. Nan currently is also on the medical staff of Baptist Health Medical Group in Hematology/Oncology for Baptist Health South Florida. Nan places an emphasis on preventative care and complete management of chronic disease to improve quality of life in her patients. In her free time she enjoys cycling, scuba diving, sailing and relaxing with her pug.

Dr. Elias Feanny MD is a Board Certified Internist since 1998. He completed his Internal Medicine residency at Miriam Hospital at the Brown University Program, Rhode Island. Dr. Feanny has continued the legacy his father built in South Miami by leading a practice that focuses on deep patient relationships and preventative medicine.  There is a family atmosphere in the office that is hard to find!

Our Providers

Our Providers

Elias A.M. Feanny MD

Internal Medicine